About Us
The process of curation is to find and study online content and presenting the best of what we find in an easy to view and structured way. Unlike content marketing, the curation of content does not require the creation of content.
The Value of Curation
We research and then share information created by other people that we feel will be of benefit to our audience. We feel strongly that content curation adds significant value to the understanding of a topic as it simplified the process to create resources and reference for people who are interesting in the topic.
We make no claim that our website is the definitive source for content on kitchens and homes but do state that we are in constant contact with content creators on the topics of kitchens and homes.
As more businesses embrace inbound marketing, the Web has become increasingly crowded with content. Business owners across the globe are trying to stake a claim in their industries by producing content. The great amount of content adds value to the internets but can also be an overload for people who are researching a topic.
This overload situation is sometimes referred to as content saturation. When there are so many publishers writing about a given subject, consumers are challenged to sift through it and find quality information
We help the people who are interested in the topic of kitchens and homes by present what we feel is quality content on this topic from a wide assortment of sources.